ADOPT A 17 Year Old Today!

Jacqueline Laughlin
3 min readMay 26, 2022

Surely someone you know is 17

I remember 17

Some days very well

On other days

Not so much on how I might remember

It looks different looking back

when you are 68

Seventeen Magazine

I think it was my first subscription

An eye for fashion

I did not have

But promising 18 was good enough

Like I said

Do you know someone girl or boy or

deciding in between non-binary my grands say

Needing a word

A hug

A sign of possibility and encouragement

A smile

What might they be planning for their 18th birthday

Spending time with them might make your day

I have been taught to resist the urge to speak

Listening and time so often in short supply

A sense of urgency looms large

Loneliness I’d say when you haven’t spoken to any one in a while

Surely you know someone who is 17

They know how to make your cell phone work

Ask them to help you make sense

Of things

What might they really like

for their birthday

a party perhaps

Or not

Listen closely

May be something or someone you can easily provide

Something you would not have thought of

Something to look forward to with you

Dreams deferred or other things on hold

Kindness last seen exactly when

Surely you know someone who is 17

Introduce yourself

Then smile

A pregnant pause

May may may

maybe be you already know their mom

in ways they don’t

Or their dad or their grands or auntie or their uncle or their teacher

Or you know their friend

Or the one person they don’t have

You thought everybody did

Hands an exclamation point

up in the air

Their mom

Their dad may need a friend

A handheld

Surely someone you know wishes why

Wishes today

they had a seventeen-year-old

Something to look forward to

To not worry about or for

Surely you can make space

Surely there is someone that you know

That needs you now

I for one so appreciate you

Do you remember

How did you celebrate your 18th birthday

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -


Other stuff in the news yesterday and today just 40 days after Easter rising from the dead

“The gunman in Tuesday’s elementary school massacre was a lonely 18-year-old who was bullied over a childhood speech impediment, suffered from a fraught home life and lashed out violently against peers and strangers recently and over the years, friends and relatives said.”

How did you celebrate your 18th birthday?

There are 19 dead schoolchildren in Uvalde, Texas, as of this writing, along with two dead adults and the dead 18-year-old gunman. Several other children were injured in the shooting on Monday at Robb Elementary School, including a 10-year-old in critical condition. The gunman also shot a 66-year-old woman whom authorities said was his grandmother. She, too, is in critical condition.



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