
another good read and ponder.. thank you Dan. My relatively short list of kindling and restoring my faith: 1)watching others (including you) find the god/God of their understanding) testimony and journey 2) I know it works because it healed me 3) the unconditional blessing and gratitude I have in the power of LOVE, kindness and goodness to transform I so love to watch the journey toward having and building faith. You do't need church for that, but having community to support the walk is so exciting. Thank goodness for the backyard and rituals.. https://www.amazon.com/God-My-Understanding-Becoming-Spiritual-ebook/dp/B09P84L726/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1ZSJ95Q7WJ5RX&keywords=god+of+My+understanding&qid=1646187336&s=digital-text&sprefix=god+of+my+understanding%2Caps%2C83&sr=1-3



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