As the Elders weigh in. Guns and madness and the unimaginable. We have no words. I wish it was a simple answer. Complexity and blame and shame. We are left behind us still living to not make sense but what can we do … be.. better… what small part. What is left behind to reckon with. I promise you we each have a turn … I too never remember a weapon at my grandmothers house. I hope to never have a weapon at mine. But I like thinking that even if there was a stockpile … angels and elders and miracles would intervene. Perhaps they did… what are we here to learn. How can we find love and healing. No simple answers. We will all get a chance for compassion … some body’s child. I have three grandsons and two granddaughters. No weapons formed against us shall prosper. No child is born thinking remembering …one day I will kill my sister while her child watches. Unimaginable. My heart aches. These are all our babies. … today one person … in an instance. Can and does make a difference.