I’m scared. I see a lot of BIG Trump signs and I know that the people putting up those signs don’t read Heather Cox Richardson. They likely don’t believe in climate change. They get their information from a completely different set of sources from me. And there are a lot of people like them out there.Vote Blue in November. Together we can stop the bully. FIRST and FOREMOST... let's call out your big sister to the playground.. Though shalt not be afraid of the bully, the poster, or the lawn sign... It's a free country and freedom of speech is supposed to be OK everywhere when most of us know words and signs can and do intimidate. I saw your post this morning after reading several other articles that relate... I too have much in common with yuo in that I live in a swing state of Michigan and by some coincidence of fate, I also live in a curious district where Congresswoman Rashida is my very BRAVE representative in the BIG HOUSE. I ponder how things will be on Election Day and thereafter but not so much as you might think. Try to make a list of the things I have control over and put the rest on the altar as I know other folks will do their part and no one knows what happens once you enter the voting both and start filling out the little squares or circles. I have already voted on the day I received my absentee ballot in the mail and returned it to the post office handing to my fave clerk. I have stopped saying VOTE BLUE and urging people friends and family to PLZ VOTE ... that usually ends the conversation there or not... some are open to conversation and some mot. I dont have the energy most days nor do I wish to debate... HOWEVER.. You sir and I are educators and we can be ready for our teachable moment.. Courageous and kind, people are watching more what we do and how we move in the world and not are lawn signs so much designed to provoke and wage war. Before reading your piece I read three articles which I can share. You get way more views on MEDIUM than me so when I make a thoughtful response, I know more than 2 people will see me and and vulnerable as that may be. I do speak out.. when asked or the door is open. YOU are a teacher.. some students are more fun and easier to teach than others but none the less we are challenged... someone who posts a toilet seat for the Presidential role is saying a lot about what they know and how they feel. This election reflects who is in our neighborhood playgrounds and why... ...one vote matters... You are right.. your neighbors are not reading Heather Richardson, didnt go to school with her in 9th grade and certainly are not taking her class today or following her blog. she is no less a patriot. .. but since you and I both read Heather...Here are my notes from this morning.. planting seeds..and willing to feed the mouths that are open.... If til Tok was your only source... who are we inviting over for onion soup..What can education and educators do?
What is an accountability partner? ?? I know they are chosen and not assigned? They reach out to you. Feed the ones whose mouths are open first… who is behind the paywalls.. BE KIND and courageous and thanks for letting me tag along... for the ride... BTW there is a HUGE TRUMP sign in my integrated Neighborhood... it marks a fortress walled off from neighbors... it creeps me out, but I decided to focus on getting my two eldest grands to vote, it will be the first time they vote without their mother taking them and they are undecided... not so much about who but about whether to vote at all. Makes me sad.. felt like I let them down somehow and yet.. .. maybe not.