Loving Kindness

Jacqueline Laughlin
5 min readMar 29, 2023


I will plant roses…

As it is my practice when waking in the middle of the night, after maybe a sip of water or maybe going to the bathroom, I reach for something to read. Most recently it is my phone with the built in night light. I go first to messages, check ins. And then emails. World alerts silenced but a quick scan of all the events horrific, life changing newsworthy for the shock of it all.

I can learn instantly of earth quakes, tornadoes, disasters and otherwise historical acts of greed, meanness and and ….

just the irony of serendipity and synchronicity & reflection that can only come in the dark deep long night of the soul. I have a tall stand of books and a kindle reader and audio listening devices for my treasure trove of books articles if I am unable to read print in the middle of the night.

My son commutes 2281 miles one way for a job a couple of times a month, the new way of working remotely. It says ..it does not disturb his family lifestyle or require moving but I can’t help but see the similarity of those workers … truckers, sailors on sea voyages and sleeping car porters who traveled for days, weeks, and months at a time. Flight makes it seem doable without resonating with the toll it takes on the body and the heart of not being able to pinpoint where loved ones and potential enemies real and imagined might be.

On a quick turnaround in less than 24 hours with the illusion of speed and efficiency;I had picked him up from the red eye at 0530, we drove to my house, he showered, we had a delicious crispy veggie omelet and then took my car, went in to work in person, came home, had a quick dinner and no even at 48 had not finished all of his vegetables suspicious of the carb count of roasted spaghetti squash he said or drank what I considered to be all the spring water preferring soda as we don’t do tap water here.

While he did text to say he was buckled in ready for take-off, having advanced through security, he had not as yet texted me his mother, the source of light and love in the universe . Even as I typed my blog for distraction.. no text as yet…as yet to say he had arrived safely home to the arms of his wife and babes at the end of the 2023 work day.

Tracking the flight but number and configured software , I knew the plane landed 58 minutes ago. It was of no comfort to me as I received no text, no emoji. Had his battery run dry, had he forgotten me, or the multiple charging cords and USB ports. Was he still waiting on the Lyft/Uber home. Angst at waiting to hear news of your child doesn’t end.

I am subscribed to several news summaries of the day paid and unpaid, and Mr. Hubbell not the one of the space telescope camera fame delivered in spades this morning before 3AM well times for my fretful waiting.


He carved out a neat recollection of the March 29th review and reflection of the 28th of March. Just a few more days left in March and I shuddered to think what else my happen before April begins and Spring showers.. and its only Wednesday hump day this week.

Do Iever cross your mind? Lyrics please?


Dolly Parton and Brian McKnight both handle well the morning soundtrack of my life. Why is it so easy to go to loss and missing folks? Long lost lovers, reimagined good times and reunions of reclaimed family and distant cousins.

Well then…

I also read in the Atlantic that people “enjoy” clicking and contemplating bad news and are drawn to tracking and nurturing their worst fears. So, I thought this morning I would plant seeds of loving kindness and the bare root roses I bought on sale at the vegetable stand/garden store would be my amour against despair. Paralyzed with the decision of where they should go in the garden. and it is still dark outside and 29 degrees in my zone.

Overwhelmed with the bad news or things out of my control. I am happiest with thoughts and prayers as my first step antidote to do what I can and to nurture sweet memories. My grandmother had a huge stand of fragrant tea roses in the back yard. It amazed me that her cut flowers were as magical as her pyracantha that both protected and covered the ugliness of a chain link fence between her garden and the alley. Folks are not likely to climb the fence uninvited.


Today I will plant three rose bushes, follow the instructions and hope for the best. I don’t know why Mississippi should remain so high on the list of prayers. It does… I have never been there, but dear friends trace their origins there. I don’t know why it is not obvious to everyone that Medicaid Expansion putting down 10% to invest might help everyone and make them still wealthy and that there is more than enough to spare and share.

Pleading for more mercy and grace and loving kindness.. I shift to you tube. Out of bed.. coffee, writing studio… maybe someone will stop by for biscuits


Mississippi still on My mind.



Wondering what the Buddhist teaching is on the Seven Offerings always available to us:

1) a compassionate eye

2) a smiling face

3) loving words

4) physical service

5) a warm heart

6) a seat

7) lodging


I can do these seven things easily, maybe all in one day. I will plant the roses today even if it rains. More things as in miracles will come to me along the way.

Who knows what love brings, maybe even a text from my only begotten first born son. Attached and connected as I am to all my babies. Birthed, and nursed and adopted….Be they gender-fluid, transgendered, hurt, wounded, in pain, disturbed, black, or white, furry, plant-based, old, young, homeless, cold, dying, gun-toting, republican, angry, or mean.

I will do my best and practice Loving Kindness this day… Yes and plant the roses with the instructions from the internet and you tube farming guidance some where anywhere while waiting . Thank you to all of you who knew what I might need.



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