thanks Paul, for good fuel for morning meditation. while it doesn't matter to me so much whether it is biblical.. I love all points well taken and how it may comfort you and me in times of adversity and when my daughter especially says she is feeling "shat" upon by a god that doesn't like her... Clearly she is not the optimist in the family, but is clear on how she she has disdain for platitudes. I like Romans 8:28 and thereabouts as it does give me time to ponder what to learn from an event or a person and how in heavens name can something so painful and wrenching be good for me or anyone or the planet. As I get older and sometimes wiser, I am most comforted by the fact that I dont need to know the reason... just be open that I dont know and happy to be a source of light and encouragement when I can... and being open to asking for help when I can't... helpers all around ALWAYS