Voting is your Voice... reassuring to know yuo are grappling with that are difficult to talk about. Thanks for grappling with this PART 1 and PART 2... Read a nice blog today from Heather Cox Richardson. we have been here before and people of good conscious do their best.I know people are on edge, and there is maybe one last thing I can offer before this election. Every place I stopped, worried people asked me how I have maintained a sense of hope through the past fraught years. The answer—inevitably for me, I suppose—is in our history.
and then from an older photo op piece from the New Yorker. It's not that people have short memories. You can't remember what you dont' know.
"Once federal troops left the South, influential white Mississippians, realizing that they were outnumbered by freedmen, got busy intimidating, killing, gerrymandering, and otherwise cheating their way back to absolute power. J. B. Chrisman, a judge who had participated in the state’s constitutional convention of 1890, declared that it was “no secret that there has not been a full vote and a fair count in Mississippi since 1875—that we have been preserving the ascendency of the white people by revolutionary methods. In plain words, we have been stuffing ballot-boxes, committing perjury and here and there in the state carrying the elections by fraud and violence.” By the sixties, as few as six per cent of the state’s eligible Black voters were registered."